Basis of Calculations
No of days in a year is:365
No of calendar days in a week is:7
No of weeks in a year is:52.1429
No of working hours in a week is:36
No of working days in a week is:5
No of working hours in a day is:7.2
No of working days in a year is:260.7143
No of hours in a year is:1877.1429
No of weeks in a TTO year is:39
No of hours in a TTO year is:1404
Annual Leave Proportions
Less Than Five Years Service A full time person with under five years service has 27 days leave and 8 Bank Holidays on which they do not work.
27 + 8 x 7.2 = 252 hours per annum.
As such a full year of salary is received for working 1877.1429 - 252 i.e. 1625.1429 hours per annum.
1625.1429/7.2 = 225.7143 is rounded to 226 days per year.
Less Than Five Years Service
Each hour or day a person works up to 226 days they accumulate 15.5063% as leave.
A full time person with over five years service has 27 days leave and 8 Bank Holidays and a further 5 days long service leave on which they do not work.
(27 + 8+ 5) x 7.2 = 288 hours per annum.
As such a full year of salary is received for working 1877.1429 - 288 i.e. 1589.1429 hours per annum.
1589.1429/7.2 = 220.7143 is rounded to 221 days per year.
Over Five Years Service
Each hour or day a person works up to 221 days they accumulate 18.1230% as leave.
TTO Pay Multiplier
Multipliers for Calculating TTO PayUnder five years - 1404/1625.1429=86.3924%
Over five years - 1404/1589.1429=88.3495%